Submitted by ben on Fri, 02/11/2011 - 09:25
I have written Python tools to interface with the Agilent DSO3000-series oscilloscopes. This is an update of my previous work. As long as PyUSB is available, this should be cross-platform. Command-line and console programs are included, along with a DSO3000 class you can use to make automated data-collection scripts. There is now a screenshot program which uses PIL. Read more »
Submitted by ben on Sat, 11/06/2010 - 00:03
This is a tracking generator for the Tektronix 492 based on KE5FX's design. It takes the place of a TR-503 tracking generator but has a different architecture. The design is essentially the same as KE5FX's, but uses attenuator/amplifier pairs instead of isolators and has a different PLL circuit for generating the 110MHz LO. Read more »
Submitted by ben on Thu, 11/04/2010 - 11:54
Submitted by ben on Mon, 10/18/2010 - 17:11
Do I have to use that IDE if I'm just doing VHDL/Verilog?
Since the important parts of ISE WebPack are actually the command-line compiler tools, there is no need to use Xilinx's development environment if you can handle the build process. This is much more bulky than compiling software, and a lot of intermediate files are generated. To simplify the process, here is a template Makefile for compiling Verilog or VHDL source into bitstreams for Virtex and Spartan chips: Makefile Read more »
Submitted by ben on Mon, 10/18/2010 - 16:41
This is an 80MHz function generator inspired by the Agilent 33250A. It supports waveforms up to 64k samples with 14-bit output resolution. The output level is only 1Vpp. Read more »
Submitted by ben on Mon, 10/18/2010 - 16:24
Use solder-cup connectors wherever possible. It's easier than crimping and more reusable. Don't strip the wire any longer than needed to fill the solder cup.
When you have to crimp connections, use a ratcheting crimper if you can get one. These won't let go of the connector until it has been fully crimped.
It is possible to make what looks like a crimp on small pins using pliers. Don't do this. They don't have the right shape and the wire will pull out with a little force. Read more »
Submitted by ben on Thu, 08/26/2010 - 16:59
This is basically a clone of the Amontec JTAGkey. It uses the FT2232C (superseded by the FT2232D) and requires no firmware. There is an EEPROM on the board to store the USB product and vendor IDs. It will work with 1.8V-5.0V targets.

Assembled Adapter Read more »
Submitted by ben on Thu, 08/26/2010 - 14:44
This is a toaster modified to work as a reflow oven. The toaster itself is largely unchanged except that its electrical system has been reduced to a few wires. The heater elements are now controlled by an ATmega16 microcontroller via a solid state relay. A thermocouple measures the temperature of the board. A MAX6675 reports the temperature of the thermocouple to the microcontroller. Read more »
Submitted by ben on Thu, 08/26/2010 - 14:42
Tektronix 492 USB Interface
I have a Tektronix 492 without GPIB. This project adds USB connectivity to the Tek 492. It can download a full sweep in about 200ms. It can't read any configuration from the instrument, so it's not a real replacement for GPIB, but it would be possible to emulate the control code and duplicate the front panel controls on the computer. Read more »
Submitted by ben on Thu, 08/26/2010 - 14:39
The DSO3000 series oscilloscopes from Agilent are low-cost (as digital scopes go) digital storage oscilloscopes. They are actually rebadged Rigol DS5000 series scopes. There are four scopes in the series with different bandwidths:
- DSO3062A
- DSO3102A
- DSO3152A
- DSO3202A
I have the DSO3102A, so all this information is based on that model. I expect the others to be identical except for slight differences in firmware and the front-end electronics. Read more »